
I don’t know if that’s #funny or…

Can you explain to me why #women have to be fully covered and men don’t? Why men shouldn’t wear “modestly”?

Are #men admitting to being more savage? Are they afraid to get out of control or not respect a good looking woman?

I love “showing off” my wife. Actually, when people look I can feel that they say to themselves: Don Juravin got a better deal than his wife. It’s true. I did.



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  1. We shouldn’t judge between genders or make differences between men and women. If a woman feels safe after she has covered herself up, that shouldn’t raise a question as to why man has to show himself, it is their own personal choice and preference. A man can choose to show or cover himself, the same goes for the woman. If a woman feels much safer while she’s covered. Let her be and similarly, if a man feels proud if he’s visible, let him be. There’s nothing else to debate about, except to respect what others believe and wear and think. That’s the mentality we people are lacking and the gap that needs to be fulfilled.


  2. Thanks so much for being insightful always Don. I think religion affects the way we see things and react to them. Dressing modestly for Muslim women is a core belief. It is nice anyways.


  3. This has been a pressing debate over the past few years, as to why women are discriminated against when it comes to dressing and the men seem to be given the license to do whatever they wish. But I think religion affects the way we see things generally.


  4. I agree to your raised point that the man feared to lose their control after seeing the women uncovered or what. Why they have made so many restrictions over them women even are homes.
    Juravin, you are saving the lives of people. You are becoming the voice of people.


  5. I wonder how Muslim women breath by covering even their faces. Why are they so much feared to express themselves? Juravin I would like to read research over it by you. I love your writings: https://juravin.com


  6. Sometimes I am also having this question over my mind that why the women are so much covered in Muslim countries. I feel like they have no freedom to show their beauty which is their right. I love you for the reason that you like to show off your wife.


  7. May be this concerned to some of their own cultural traditions or some other religious terms. But I appreciate you Juravin that you have always point out the things fearlessly which intrigued you somewhere.


  8. To see everyone on an equal level in today’s world is a necessity of life. And it really needs to be admitted that women are equally allowed to do whatever they want to. Not only men have all the rights in this life. You are on point Juravin, like always.


  9. Finally, it forces men to focus on the true personality of women and to put their physical beauty in the background. It places women in a position to prevent the attention of strangers towards them.


  10. Let’s not forget that the way women and men dress is also used as a way of identifying differences in gender.


  11. I hope we can all be open-minded on this particular topic. Maybe we can learn a few things from the Muslim’s fashion.


    1. Yes, the Muslim faith teaches modesty when dressing. The Muslims are allowed to wear whatever, as long as it is modest. That is all to it.


  12. Muslim women face discrimination and torment every single day due to the fact that they cover themselves. Have we gone so mad as to hate an entire religion because they decided not to dress like the rest of the world?


    1. As a Muslim, I can say that this is true. My wear does not restrict me in any matter. I can carry out daily activities with ease.


    2. Additionally, there is also information on how men should dress. What is between the navel and the knees should not be shown. Allah gives instruction on how men should properly cover themselves.


  13. My question is: why only target Muslims, Mr. Don? There are other religions where the women cover themselves to show their dedication to God.


    1. This is a really good question. We also need to point out that covering up or dressing modestly is a way to prevent one from being prideful.


  14. Mr. Juravin, women in Islamic society cover themselves as a form of identity. The west has tried its best to demonize their wear. However, as a form of rebellion, some societies in various countries use the hijab or cover themselves accordingly.


    1. This is precisely true. In addition, in the Muslim tradition, the rules for the dress is very relaxed when women are at home, among their families. It is only when they are in the public eye, then do they cover up.


    2. Additionally, some Muslims think that this form of dress is outdated and would usually dress the way they see fit. While others are more conservative. Regardless, we need to respect their culture and tradition.


  15. There is no clear reason that suggests why women should be well covered in the Quran. Some do this to curb male desire.


    1. There is, actually, there are two main reasons. One of which is in the Quran and one that is suggested by the prophet Mohammad. However, they are not very rigid rules.


    2. The rules of dress include:
      1. Women’s dress should cover their chest. This is in the Quran. However, the prophet Mohammad suggested that a woman’s body should be covered except for face and hands.
      2. Clothing must be loose so as to not align the shape of the body.
      3. Clothing should be thick enough so that the skin under the clothing is not visible. This applies to BOTH men and women.
      4. Modesty is key.
      5. For the purpose of standing out from other religions.
      6. Decency is, also, key.


  16. There is nothing wrong with a woman being well covered. Stop complaining, we need the get back to the days of modesty.


    1. I agree with this totally. The tradition today is to reveal as much as possible. Women tend to focus a lot on their outer looks, they value attention more than anything else. Muslims value intelligence. and character.


    2. Your body ‘s appearance should be something private and precious to you. It does not have to be shared with everyone and is to be used as a gift to your chosen husband.


  17. That is one faith I have agreed with solely because of how women are treated. Women have to be covered from head to toe because if she shows too much she can mislead a man. The blame is never on the man that chose to do what he did. Sickening!


    1. This is only partially true. Men are warned that they should lower their gaze from looking unto a woman with desire. This is to prevent lusting which may lead to fornication and adultery.


  18. If it is of the Muslim ideology that women should be covered then who are we to speculate and speak against. Is it bothering us in any way or form?


  19. My take is that women should always remain modest. Showing out your body is never a way of “accepting who we are” or “being body positive”. If you are body positive then you wouldn’t have to show for some other people to comment and like. This is just my take on the matter.


    1. Precisely, Muslims do not hate the restrictions placed on their dress by their religion and most regard it as a proud statement of their faith.


  20. I think this is the safest way for women and this is Muslims way of dressing women to be more modest compared in our society today where short shorts and sleeveless are everywhere.


  21. I think Muslims are very strict when it comes to women. Women are very fragile and we should not compare them to men.


    1. This cannot be concluded by the way they dress. The Quran and the Prophet Mohammad state that both men and women are to dress modestly. It is just that women have a little more to show than men.


    2. For it is of pure evil if a woman uses her body or the way she dresses to imitate a man. We see the results of overexposure daily. Do not turn a blind eye to it.


  22. Respecting each religion is a must! But it is a fact that it is already traditional to Muslims especially to girls to cover their entire body with a cloth. It is a tradition that runs until now. Men are different from women. I think Muslims religion is too protective for women’s modesty.


    1. I agree. There is a slight possibility that is a bit extreme. But every day we see women converting to Islam so what is the problem here?


  23. I don’t know also if this is funny because covering almost all of the body parts of a woman is definitely a tradition and religion act of Muslim. They have their own beliefs. But I do really love to see all of their beautiful faces hiding in those clothes.


    1. It is of utmost importance that we look at the history of the way these Muslims dress. For the most part, the way Muslims dress varies across the regions for whatever reason.


      1. It is indeed. However, one thing remains the same. Modesty must be practiced by both men and women.


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